Inspiriert vom Yiddish Summer Weimar gibt es heute einen Ausflug in die Klang- und Geschichtenwelt yiddischer Lieder. Der Yiddish Song of the Week Blog ist ein Projekt des An-sky Institute for Jewish Culture in New York. In regelmäßigen Abständen werden dort Tonaufnahmen von yiddischen Liedern veröffentlicht – ausgegraben aus Privatarchiven oder eingefangen von dem Musikethnologen […]
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In which library can I find the book I´m looking for? The answer usually can be found quickly by using the digital library catalog OPAC. But when I ask, in which archive can I find recordings of maori music from New Zealand, I even don´t have a database to search for. But only until recently […]
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All of you who enjoy listening to radio features and documentations should visit the homepage of BBC 3 World Routes. There can be found a tremendous selection of so called “On-Location” Features, that explore music from around the world. They can be listened to in full length with the real-player. Von Rezensionen Ethnomusicologist Lucy Duran […]
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Tropicália [] Through this marvellous website you can explore in a most pleasant way an indeed short (1967/68), but quite lively period in the history of brazilian popular music called tropicália. Von Rezensionen The website provides a huge archive of articles, interviews, statements and music related wirh the protagonists of tropicalism like Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, […]
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Virtual Museum of Komitas Verdapet – the founder of armenian classical music [] Von Rezensionen The life of the great armenian composer Soghomon G. Soghomonian (1869 – 1935), better known under it´s monks name Komitas, is a mirror of the fascinating culture and tragic history of the armenian folk. The website allows a profund […]
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