
10 Apr, 2009

Ethnomusicological Research Today International Doctoral Workshop

Posted by: Christina Fellenberg In: // Congresses|News

Von International Workshop Hanover

From 24th -28th June 2009 the Ethnomusicology Department of the University for Music and Drama Hanover/ Germany is organizing an international workshop focusing on “Ethnomusicological Research Today”. There are 16 places for Ph.D. candidates. The workshop will be directed by the renowned ethnomusicologists Prof. Dr. Raimund Vogels (Hanover) and Prof. Dr. Philip V. Bohlman (Chicago/Hanover).

The workshop mainly aims at promoting exchange on ethnomusicological Ph.D. projects throughout Europe and at furthering critical debate on recent research. The working language will be English.


24-06-09: Arrival

25 & 26-06-09: Presentation of papers

27-06-09: Critical discussion of recent ethnomusicological publications

(see list below).

28-06-09: Departure

The organizers invite applications from Ph.D. students irrespective of the actual stage of Ph.D. research, of the region of study, or the thematic focus. If needed, the University for Music and Drama will try to contribute to travel expenses.

The application deadline is 5th of May 2009. Required application documents:

1 Abstract of 250 words

1 CV

1 preliminary estimate of travel costs.

Please send your applications or any questions by e-mail to Kerstin Klenke, M.A.


Those who want to take part in the workshop as an auditor without a presentation are welcome, but should register until 5th of May 2009 as well.

Participants are required to read the selected publications for discussion:

  • Nettl, Bruno: The Study of Ethnomusicology. Thirty-One Issues and Concepts. New Edition. Urbana, University of Illinois Press 2005.

  • Stobart, Henry (Hg.): The New (Ethno)Musicologies. Lanham, Scarecrow Press 2008.

  • Barz, Gregory, und Timothy Cooley (Hg.): Shadows in the Field. New Perspectives for Fieldwork in Ethnomusicology. Second Edition. New York, Oxford University Press 2008.

  • Bohlman, Philip V.: World Music. A Very Short Introduction. Oxford, Oxford University Press 2002.

  • Feld, Steven: Sound and Sentiment. Birds, Weeping, Poetics, and Song in Kaluli Expression. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press 1982.

  • Stokes, Martin: The Arabesk Debate. Music and Musicians in Modern Turkey. Oxford, Oxford University Press 1992.

  • Vogels, Raimund: The Big Drum was Beaten and the Force Moved East. Islamic Court Music in Northeast Nigeria. In Print. Manuscript will be sent to participants.

  • Rommen, Timothy. „Mek Some Noise”. Gospel Music and the Ethics of Style in Trinidad. Berkeley, University of California Press 2007.

  • Hahn, Tomie: Sensational Knowledge. Embodying Culture through Japanese Dance. Middletown, Wesleyan University Press 2007.

  • Hesselink, Nathan: P’ungmul. South Korean Drumming and Dance. Chicago, University of Chicago Press 2006.

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